Day 20 Spot the difference  

Posted by Sam Woollard

As you may be able to tell from the title I don't think that progress was very great today, for a start we only had Tom and Marcus but then along came the electrician. He really threw a spanner in the works as far as I was concerned when he switched off all the power while I was on line, "Sorry mate but I didn't realise that anyone was in........" But he did point out how dangerous some of our wiring has been and I am sure that he will do a very good job for us. Tony came over to us for a while today and also threw another spanner when he said that when the plumbing and wiring are being done it would be a good idea if we left the house for a couple of days and "I am sure that next door (meaning the Beevers, his sort of in laws) would be happy to put you up." Fat chance! Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride seems sort of appropriate to me.

My day didn't start too well when I called Abbey Gardening about the lawnmower, they always seem to take my complaints about the machine not working so personally and all I want is to have a machine that I can rely on. I am going to see them tomorrow to see if they have a different machine that I can exchange this one for, wish me luck. The day got better when Hilary gave me a haircut - that's two this year already - and then we went out to lunch with Sheila, Graham and Liz; it was and interesting lunch at the Conservative Club in Plympton where I was immediately asked to remove my baseball cap - "We don't allow headgear inside the Club sir!" Silly old buffer, now I know why I don't vote Conservative any more. It was Graham's last meal for a few hours as he goes into hospital tomorrow to have his other hip joint replaced.

So onto today's pictures, the first one shows how little has changed since yesterday, it seems to me that all they have built is a ladder up one side of the roof and put the framing in to show where the bottom of the window will be. Actually the position of this window looks absolutely great as it looks out onto the open moorland rather than over the greenhouse as we expected. There is a real ladder peeking out at the bottom of the photo and I climbed this just to see what is going on upstairs, it was not a pretty sight as you can see and is going to get even worse when they rip out the side walls so that they can run the pipes and wires. The window with the radiator underneath will actually be where the upstairs bathroom will be and it is going to be fun getting the shower/bath up the windy stairs to get it into the room, it may of course pay us to get it in through the new window at the end of the wall before they close it up.

One of the jobs that we did today was to order the replacement windows and I will be taking in the deposit cheque tomorrow when I go to see the lawnmower man. We have finally got the overall size for the stained glass round one and it seems that we have got our wish to have 600mm glass. So that there is no misunderstanding with the builders we placed our newspaper cut out on the wall and that is shown in this final photograph. You just have to imagine it as being transparent with fishes and turtles swimming in it and the wall being plastered and painted and of course without the sky showing through the top of the wall. It will be good one day, let's just hope that it is sooner rather than later.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 at 20:39 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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