Day 23 Up Top  

Posted by Sam Woollard

For England it was a hot day, well into the 70's on the ground and it must have been like a furnace up on the roof where Simon and Sam spent all day felting and battening. It got so bad that Sam came to see us in the afternoon and asked if we had any squash that they could have. We introduced Sam to the Ice and Water dispenser in the fridge and then offered them the remains of the Ribena bottle as Simon is not too keen on just plain water. We weren't on site all day so we think that it was just these two working for us, for sure Marcus wasn't around as we didn't see his car all day and we think that Tom was working for the Beevers next door.

One of the reasons that we were not around was that we took Rachel into Tavistock to see her dentist (she had two cavities filled) and I also went to see the manager at Abbey Machinery about changing the mower. It seems that a new one will fit into the shed and tomorrow I am going back to see an ex demonstration model that might be a bit cheaper. We had a visit from the Orchard Windows man and he did his final measurements which I had to sign off, now it is just a waiting game for them to be made and fitted. At the last minute we decided to change the old downstairs loo window (which will be the new study) for a bigger unit - we always knew that the glass needed to be changed from opaque to clear but when Hilary noticed that the lintel was quite a bit larger than the existing window we decided to go for a side hung larger unit instead of the top hung type that we already have. We agreed all the details for the new round window as well now, we just need to see the design.

Only one picture today as all the work was involved with the felting and battening which at least has the advantage of making the roof area waterproof, we think that on Monday the slating will start and then we will have the beginnings of a proper extension. At least if the rain that is forecast for early next week arrives then Simon and Sam will be able to work in the dry. Incidentally Simon is now a proud dad as his first born, a girl called Polly, arrived the day before yesterday, when I asked him if he got any sleep last night he said "Yes, I stayed on the settee." Welcome to parenthood Simon, I forecast that it not be the last time that you have to resort to the settee to get some sleep. I have the greatest admiration for these men who make their living in the building industry, they work through all weathers and sometimes under dangerous circumstances and it is quite remarkable what they have achieved in just 23 working days.

This entry was posted on Friday, 8 June 2007 at 19:32 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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