Day 35 Drained  

Posted by Sam Woollard

This was a day when all the action was inside the house and of course it didn't rain at all. We had the whole crew today, Simon and Sam worked on the ceiling timbers over the extension except for a short time when Tony had to go out and buy some more wood. During that time they barrowed all the old soil from the garden and put it on the once more growing tip outside the gates. Tom was given the job of removing the radiators throughout the house and jury rigged up an old milk container to catch the water as it came flowing down. This proved most effective and we had very little mess all day. We did have to move our one and only bedroom around so that Tony and Tom could get to the pipes that run under the floorboards and also get to the hot and cold water tanks but by the end of the day everything has been cleared out. This includes all the old tanks, all the radiators as well as the old boiler and most of the pipework. The new boiler is arriving tomorrow and we were given strict instructions by Tony that we should clear out the laundry room before it arrives - fat chance of that, we are both too knackered from moving things around and taking them to the store in Plympton. We will do it tomorrow when we have recovered from our exertions. All this draining down means of course that we have no hot water and only one working loo, sadly for the workmen the loo just outside the laundry room which they have become accustomed to using is now out of commission until Tony can replumb it. When it was installed a few years back the plumber took the cold water feed from the old cold water tank instead of from the main supply so until it can be re-routed we only have the use of the one in the downstairs bathroom and this is due to be dismantled and turned into a study - an interesting time is on its way and one where we may learn to cross our legs!

The first photo shows how empty our one an only existing bathroom is, while the second shows the hole where the boiler used to be. Once this area is cleaned up we plan to move the cooker (seen on the far right of the picture) into it and then put the big fridge freezer currently in the laundry room next to the cooker - this latter move should keep Tony happy. All that remains then is to move the washer drier combo in the laundry room from the wall it is currently on to the wall where it used to be. Simple isn't it? Photographs will explain it all at a later date. I called the mains pressure tank people today and they are forecasting delivery by the end of the week or at the worst early next week so this means that we will be without hot water for quite some time, however it will give Tony the opportunity to get all the new radiators installed as well as putting in the pipes for our new bathrooms.

I think that we have just about reached a point where all the dismantling has been done and from now on it is all about putting the house back together, there is a long way to go but I am feeling a bit more positive tonight compared to the way that I felt as it was all coming apart earlier today.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 19:39 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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