Day 12 Blocked off!  

Posted by Sam Woollard

Every night I seem to be making the excuse that this will be a short blog and tonight is no exception. For one I am totally knackered and for two Liverpool are playing AC Milan in the European Cup Final. The former is a good excuse but the second is dubious as at half time Liverpool are 1-0 down.

We really are blocked off tonight and one of the pictures shows the large sheet of timber screwed across the doorway that used to lead to the bedrooms. Now the only way to enter those rooms is from the outside, which is what the other pictures show. We emptied the bedrooms and then left in them the sinks, shower fittings etc that will eventually go into the bathrooms, we also left in a dressing table and wardrobe that we were going to send to the auction. When Sam heard this he said that he could do with a new wardrobe and Simon thought that he could use the dressing table (to stand his telly on). So our garage tonight is full of builder's tools so that they can use their work van to take their newly acquired furniture home! Just as they were leaving Sam spotted another piece of electronic equipment that was destined for Crowndale - we leave it all by the gate until there is enough to fill the car - he asked what it was and I explained all about sine wave oscillators and he thought that his brother would like it and put it inside his wardrobe. At least it's no longer our worry.

We did another storage unit run today, much of it from the study as the attic on the extension side is now empty - good job too as it is open to the elements - we have cleared and dismantled one desk, sent one PC to store together with it's printer, keyboard etc. I also managed to burn out the shredder motor by trying to shred all the documents from my 4 years ownership pf MugaMania, it is now 10 years since that part of my life came to an end - isn't that amazing? - and so I am under no legal obligation to keep the records, and I have no real interest in doing so either. Tomorrow we will mothball the other desktop PC and take the desk back to its flat pack status so that they can all go into store. We plan to run our lives from the laptop together with a printer on the table in the conservatory, where he hide all the paper and ink cartridges I have no idea.

So back to the building which now looks very much the proverbial public lavatory that I desperately tried to avoid at the start of this exercise. If you look carefully at the photos you might recognise what is still our sliding wardrobe doors (empty of clothes of course) and there are glimpses of the vanity units that we brought back from the USA. These are open for anyone to walk in and take them while we are asleep, although they would have a heck of a job to get them past the builder's rubble. We had another delivery today from Travis Perkins, this time it was large quantities of timber that we think is to be used for the supporting frame for the new floor upstairs and for the beginnings of the new gable end roof. It will be when we see that framed out that we will begin to see how our new extension will really look. I can get excited about that, and no amount of discomfort in the short term is going to stop me looking forward to it!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 23 May 2007 at 20:33 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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