Day 16 Sunshine & Showers  

Posted by Sam Woollard

Another day where little progress was apparent as most of it was concerned with inside timber framing - which reminds me that we must talk to the builders tomorrow as we are adding a window in a wall that we haven't told them about. We looked at the end wall of the master bathroom that faces directly south and thought that it would make a nice feature if we had a round stained glass porthole window that would let in some extra colourful light. We had a stained glass expert visit us and he works with the firm that are putting in all the other windows, we looked at lots of designs and decided that it would be nice if it included some sea, sand, some fish and a turtle. Now we just have to wait and see what kind of design that he comes up with; plus we have to get the builders to change their framing so that we can plonk this big round window into it. Let's hope that this is the last time that we have to ask them to redo some work, it will be an expensive change and we should have thought of it earlier.

This first photo shows a general view of the garden and the end of the house, as you can see we have put up our gazebo so that when the showers come they can keep their power tools dry - we certainly don't need an insurance claim if someone gets electrocuted. We did get some roof framing up but apparently some of the wood did not arrive today, there is a general shortage of timber in the UK which is being blamed on the amount of building work going on in China. The second photo shows a little bit of the roof framing but not that big gable end that I want to see. It also shows the new end wall that will have the round stained glass window. We have been warned that over the next few days we will gradually lose more and more of the roof tiles but they have yet to decide if they will strip the roof all in one go or if they will do it in sections. The weather forecast will probably be the deciding factor and without Tony to guide them - he is working on his villa in France - decisions from this gang of four are hard to come by.

The last photo shows how the roof is going and the lack of scaffolding that is causing a little bit of a slowdown as Simon and Sam have to keep running up and down these rickety arrangements to measure, cut and assemble the roof timbers, they assure me that very soon they will be working as a team of four instead of two teams of two. While they were working outside Hilary and I were working inside and our study is now without a carpet, window blinds and the door that led into the roof has been removed, I can see the day coming very soon when we will be without a central heating system as we will have to remove radiators in the next few weeks. I have taken the plunge and ordered our all singing and dancing heat bank storage system and I expect that next week either me or Tony will order the boiler - let's just hope that the whole system will work!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 30 May 2007 at 20:02 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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