Day 29 Watertight  

Posted by Sam Woollard

We have a roof! Simon and Sam, the only two on site today, worked through the early morning rain and the afternoon sunshine to complete the slating and putting on the ridge tiles. A careful observer can see that some of the ridge tiles are shorter than others as we agreed with Simon that he could use some of the old ones that they had removed from the original hip ends. A few of these were broken and so Sam used the big cutting disc to straighten them up and then they were used at intervals along the length of the ridge. We all prayed that the rain would hold off for the few hours that it would take to dry out the cement and we were well rewarded, so now we have a house with a completely dry upstairs. The first photo shows the view from the moor side and the second from the garden side. The big blue bulge at the bottom of the picture hides the location of the round window and that is where Simon and Sam will be working tomorrow. They have prepared their cover ready to start work in the early morning rain!

We are going to be very short of skilled workers this week as Simon has another job to go to on Wednesday for the rest of the week, Tom and Tony will be in Glastonbury, Marcus is away until Thursday and young Sam can't work on his own. All this means that there will be no work on our building all day on Wednesday and then on Thursday and Friday the only work will be demolition as Marcus and Sam take down the ceilings in the two downstairs bedrooms and rip out the asbestos from the walls. I will spend part of Wednesday removing the shelving from our old bedroom and covering up our built in wardrobes so that they don't get damaged when the ceilings some down.

We ordered some toughened glass today for the 3 small panes that will go in the door leading to the new bathroom upstairs. £30! We couldn't believe it and if this works there will be another 2 more doors to do and then the landing should be flooded with light. On top of that we have to also buy quarter round beading to hold the glass in - it would be cheaper to buy new doors, except of course modern doors don't fit into an old house.

When Tony returns, post Glastonbury, he wants to crack on with the plumbing, we are expecting our new tank a week on Thursday so Hilary spent some time today clearing out her linen cupboard and we will take a good load to our storage depot tomorrow. We have to have both cupboards and the bedroom cleared before the plumbing can go in, so in a weeks time we may well be sleeping on the downstairs couches. The wiring will be done at the same time as the plumbing and today a man came from the electricity supplier to put in a very large isolating switch alongside the meter. This will enable our electrician to switch off the power any time that he needs without having to wait for the supplier to come out each time.

That's it for tonight, with a bit of luck I should be able to report some progress on the round window tomorrow.

This entry was posted on Monday, 18 June 2007 at 19:39 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


It's looking great! Nathan and I are trying to figure out our travel plans so we can visit. Looks like I might be doing Manila for Christmas this year!

19 June 2007 at 05:30

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