OK the day went pretty much according to plan, we managed to fill the car up with fabric from the airing cupboard and then take it to the store before heading off to Trago Mills where, within 30 minutes of arriving we bought a curved shower enclosure and base. While we were away Simon and Sam worked under their blue cover cutting bricks and then cementing them around the wooden template. You can get a good impression of how the finished article will look from today's photograph. Later this week we are meeting with the stained glass designer where we hope to agree the final design and get this part of the job fully underway. It is a little bit of a worry that we haven't agreed a design yet but at least the plastic parts are being made (we think). Just before he left today Simon decided that he would be back first thing in the morning so that he can remove the template and cement the inner part of the brickwork before it gets set too hard. After he has done this he will be off to complete his other job fitting a Velux unit for another customer and we will be without builders for the first time in 6 weeks.
One of the small jobs that we did today after we got back from Trago was to completely strip the wooden framework of slats from the old airing cupboard so that Tony and the electrician now have a space to work in when the central heating and the electrical consumer units are stripped out. It has turned out that it will be quite a large usable space once the cold and hot water tanks are gone, now we have to decide what to use it for when all the work is done. Tomorrow we will probably start on the cupboard on the other side of the room, this will be a totally different kettle of fish as it has been one of the largest storage areas in the house. For storage units read dumping grounds as somewhere in there are umpteen suitcases, our tent and camping gear that we have had since the kids were small as well as some old chairs and a host of memorabilia cum bric a brac. Buckle up it's going to be a bumpy ride!
I may not issue a blog tomorrow as I can't really claim it as a working day, after all we are only expecting Simon for a short time and there will be no Sam, so forgive me if I have a day off - see you when the work recommences.
This entry was posted
on Tuesday, 19 June 2007
at 20:21
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