Day 31 A short day  

Posted by Sam Woollard

I didn't intend to blog tonight but as Simon turned up at 8.15am to "just take the snots of the bricks before they get too hard," I thought that I had better take a picture of the round window with the template/former removed and here it is. Can you see the optical illusion? to me the little wooden pieces that you can see at the sides and the top and bottom seem to distort the perfect circle and make it rhombic, or is that quartic? Anyway take it from me it is perfectly round and tomorrow the artist who is designing the stained glass insert is coming over so we can at least show him where his work will be displayed.

We did start the clear out of the roof space and as usual spent ages looking through memorabilia from our life. We still have Samantha's first ballet shoes and also Julian's first pair of football boots as well as dozens of ticket stubs and programmes from shows that we have seen together over the years. Many of the programmes are autographed as we used to take the kids back stage whenever we could or we would stand outside the stage door until the cast came out. A lot of the artistes are long gone now so maybe their signatures have a value. We filled the car with boxes and bundles of stuff and Hilary headed for our storage unit, unfortunately it was closed when she arrived and we will have to go back tomorrow. The garage and shed also got their fair share of "stuff" and it is getting harder and harder to find items that we need such as hand and garden tools. Never mind it won't be long and we will be starting over putting it all back in its rightful place.

Simon came back briefly tonight to add some more junk to the pile outside our house, luckily he says that a trailer is arriving tomorrow that should be capable of taking it all away. The neighbours will be pleased! With a bit of luck we should have Marcus and Sam tomorrow and they will start to rip out the old ceilings and those wall that have to be repaired - it will be interesting to see how they work together.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 at 20:56 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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